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Human Resources

Driving, providing security, assistance or information, maintaining, repairing, cleaning, but also welding, sewing, painting, recruiting, training, drawing, writing... STIB employs more than 10,000 people in over 300 different professions. Their role? To enable over a million passengers a day to move around Brussels.


10.477 STIB employees keep Brussels moving

10.477 employees

10.205 FTE
10,94% women

Evolution effectif
repartition ancienneté
repartition age

STIB is Top Employer

for 10 years

STIB has secured the title of Top Employer for the 10th year running. This recognition underlines its ongoing investment to excellence in human resources management and its commitment to the well-being of its employees.

In order to improve its qualities as an employer continuously and remain competitive in an increasingly tight employment market, the STIB undergoes an annual external audit, which evaluates all human resources dimensions.

The Top Employer label recognises companies that are committed to providing the best possible working environment for their employees through clearly defined processes and innovative human resources practices. The criteria reviewed by the Top Employer Institute include the welcoming of employees, training and skills development and the benefits offered to them by the company.

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Mobilising field teams

The STIB's security teams are present on the network every day. In crisis situations, such as the terrorist attack on 16 October, STIB staff are in the front line. This even kept the whole of Brussels on its toes for several hours. Afterwards, the Minister-President of the Brussels Region highlighted the professionalism of STIB staff. He specifically thanked the drivers and security staff on duty who made it possible for the people of Brussels, and in particular Belgian and Swedish fans trapped at the King Baudouin Stadium, to return home safely.

The Station Security Patrol (SSP) team was also a finalist in the Outstanding Security Performance Awards in the Outstanding Security Team category for the Benelux region. The OSPA recognise companies and individuals operating in the security sector. Independent judges select the winners from among the nominees. After last year's Real Time Security (RTS) team, the SSP team was the second to finish runner-up. The entire security department already won the Outstanding Security Team award in 2021.

A new approach to remuneration and internal mobility

After introducing its new remuneration policy for workers "CFou", STIB set about launching "CFe", which relates to employees and managers, in 2023. The programme includes a review of classification, remuneration and appraisal systems, with a view to making them simpler, more flexible, more structured, clearer and more transparent.

In this way, STIB intends to encourage internal mobility, support the attraction and retention of talent, offer flexibility to managers and standardise different population categories within coherent systems. In short, to provide a favourable context for meeting the challenges ahead.

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To fill the 1,100 open positions in 2023, the STIB recruited 732 new collaborators. The 368 remaining positions have been filled by internal mobility. This policy testifies to the numerous opportunities for advancement for employees within the company.

In 2024, STIB is mainly hiring technical roles, which are particularly difficult to recruit on the job market.

Socio-professional integration

The recruitment challenge

Effective recruitment tools



7,381 STIB staff completed
398,199 hours of training

Given the specific nature of the STIB's professions, many training courses are organised in-house, particularly for driving jobs. In 2023, 7,381 STIB staff completed 398,199 hours of training.

These include the "Drivin'STIB" leadership course, which aims to strengthen leadership and establish common standards and values for all STIB managers. An online training catalogue makes it easier for employees to find available training courses and register for them. The catalogue is also a useful reporting tool for indicators such as the number of hours of training attended or the attendance rate.

A new driving simulator at the tram

The Drivin'STIB leadership model



International Women's Day

International Women's Day is an opportunity to showcase the actions that have been and will be taken by the STIB to promote women's rights, whether they are passengers or STIB employees.

On 8 March, all STIB staff, men and women, all professions included, were invited to take part in a themed day featuring workshops, a conference, exchanges of ideas and a festive afterwork. Among the covered topics:

  • How do you deal with sexism in the workplace?
  • How can we improve workplaces for women at STIB?
  • How can we attract more women into the company and achieve greater parity?
  • Women's safety on public transport.

Let's talk about sexism

Fifteen women gathered to share their experiences of sexism, both inside and outside the company. This discussion group was an initial pilot set up by the social advisors and partners.

The aim is to extend this initiative, which presents several benefits:

  • Helping people to overcome their experiences and feel listened to through words
  • Creating a community of women who can support each other
  • Bringing to light issues that are often left unsaid
  • Coming up with ideas for actions to combat sexism


STIB measures employee commitment

The CEASE network against domestic violence

STIB wins the Corporate Music Award

Stop hate messages on social media

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Socio-professional integration

Whether it's the "Young Starter" programme for recruiting young academics, partnerships with Actiris for recruiting multimodal collaborators or DiversiCom in favour of the integration of people with disabilities in the company, STIB is increasing its initiatives to promote employment for all, as part of its mission as a public transport operator.

Through its partnership with Actiris, STIB offers opportunities to young people looking for their first job. At the same time, it ensures the presence of multimodal collaborators to help and guide passengers in the field. Following a one-year fixed-term contract, many of them continue their career with STIB, often as drivers. Those are welcome candidates, given the number of positions to be filled. In 2023, 50 of the 115 multimodal collaborators had a positive reorientation interview, testifying to the added value of this programme in terms of socio-professional integration.

Another springboard for employment is the "Young Starter" programme. Launched in 2017, it aims to recruit young academics, offering them three eight-month assignments within the company. This programme enables them to explore different professions and, at the end of their assignments, apply for a permanent position. Young Starters thus benefit from their first contact with the world of work, while the STIB attracts a pool of profiles that are highly sought-after on the job market.

By working with the non-profit association DiversiCom, the STIB favours the employment of people with disabilities. The journey usually begins with an internship within the company, providing the disabled person experience and generally leading to a job offer in the form of a fixed-term or permanent contract. These experiences are also rich in sharing and discovery for teams and management. In 2023, STIB worked on the creation of a procedure to facilitate the implementation of specific arrangements when hiring someone with a disability.

The recruitment challenge

The situation on the job market combined with the great need for technical profiles to achieve the ambitions of public transport development in Brussels make recruitment a real challenge. In this context, STIB has produced a strategic note on monitoring shortage occupations. The company has also been working to promote employability, training opportunities and the right to disconnect in accordance with new legal provisions.

Effective recruitment tools

Facilitating recruitment and promoting internal mobility requires effective and performant tools. The SyncHRone project is a set of initiatives designed to improve HR processes and applications, including recruitment applications.

Staff applying for a new position inside the company, have a clear overview of the status of their application. For example, it's also easy to share vacancies with colleagues and friends. The programme also includes features that help both talent retention and recruitment. All those involved in the recruitment chain work on this same platform, which makes the process more fluid and better coordinated.

A new driving simulator at the tram

Training on driving simulators is an essential part of the training process for future tram drivers. In 2023, the Haren Training Centre welcomed a new simulator for "Tram New Generation"-training.

The full-size driver's cab allows learners to practice virtually before starting their training on the network. This simulator is based on real points in the capital and can simulate all kinds of situations: rain, storms, badly parked cars, workers on the tracks, etc.


The Drivin'STIB leadership model

Through 5 pillars, the leadership model gives clear guidance on the behaviour expected from managers towards their teams, but also between colleagues:

  • giving meaning
  • being courageous
  • encouraging independence
  • acting with integrity
  • being attentive

After "giving meaning" in 2022 and "being courageous" in 2023, the main theme for 2024 is "encouraging independence". These key principles are translated into objectives for our employees.

STIB measures employee commitment

One of STIB's major ambitions is to strengthen its employees' commitment to their work every year. It used two indicators to do so: the Employee Net Promotor Score (eNPS) and the Human Capital Index (HCI). The eNPS indicates the likelihood of colleagues recommending STIB as an employer to friends and family, while the HCI combines data on colleague commitment, satisfaction, retention and energy.

In terms of satisfaction, STIB is well above the Belgian average, with 83% of colleagues saying they are satisfied with their employer. The eNPS score is +22, while the Belgian average is +15. Cross-functional and representative workshops are set to take place with the company's various entities to take the analysis and implementation of tangible actions even further.

The CEASE network against domestic violence

The CEASE network brings together companies engaged in the fight against domestic violence.

Violence suffered in the private sphere can impact the victim's other spheres of life, particularly at work. The workplace can be a way out of this situation. STIB has set up a number of psychosocial support services to ensure the well-being of its colleagues. Such services include social advisors, who provide confidential psychosocial guidance on a voluntary basis in the event of personal, family or financial difficulties and the Employee Assistance programme, which offers all colleagues and their dependants the opportunity to obtain information or psychological support quickly and discreetly.

All STIB social advisors have undergone extensive training so they are better prepared to deal with cases of domestic violence. STIB has also communicated internally about its commitment to the CEASE project and how to help a colleague in distress.

STIB wins the Corporate Music Award

The Corporate Music Award is like Eurovision for companies. In 2023, STIB took part with its "Volleg4z" group, gathering together colleagues from Human Resources, Bus and the Young Starters team. This first participation resulted in a victory for the STIB for its song "Pas réel".

Stop hate messages on social media

Community managers from some 50 major Belgian companies and organisations launched the project "Pas ici" (not here) on Community Manager Appreciation Day. The aim of this joint initiative is to tackle the sharp rise in hateful comments on the social networks.

"Pas ici" lays down a series of basic rules to follow while posting online comments: no insults, racist comments or harassment. The website also provides a series of practical tips and tricks to help community managers deal with online hate messages. They can also refer any person who has posted a disrespectful message or comment to the "Pas ici" website.

Activity report 2023

Human Resources
